“Soul-Embracing Delights: 15 little gestures that bring ultimate joy”

Need a few soul-embracing delights? Maybe you’re feeling the blues? Maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed or your favourite sports team lost. I mean there’s many other reasons to be feeling down but also many reasons to also feel joy. Sometimes we get so lost in our blues that we forget that we are worthy and deserving of joy.

I come to share with you 15 soul-embracing delights that bring ultimate joy.

Let’s begin.

1.Coffee OR TEA

Soul-embracing delights: getting a coffee with friends

Do you take coffee or tea in the morning? Nothing like a delightful cup to start off your morning.

2. Cute outfits

Knowing that the world is your runway, and everyday is a fashion show. Dress your best, it always brings a bit of joy. Just like my saying, “Live in style, and style will live in you,” while savoring the soul-embracing delights of each moment.

we got a army look, a monochromatic blue look and a sting like a bee look.

Check out How to Style an Elegant Stunning Monochromatic Chic Outfit


Friends are the best at bringing joy and sharing soul-embracing delights. 🙂

4. Nature

Something about just walking in nature when you’re either stressed out, angry, upset, sad etc it always brings a soothing peace to our souls.

5. Picnics

A nice nature view with a picnic is definitely a soul-embracing delight that brings joy.

soul-embracing delights: Picnic


What’s your favourite flower?

soul-embracing delights: Field of tulips

7. Taking Photos

Photos have cool stories behind them. A cool story from this photo is we tried this beer (I thought it would taste good because of the picture on the can LOL) tasted horrendous we were disappointed…. 🙁 ended up jamming to Taylor Swift, singing SOOO loud that a security guard shone a flash light at us & told us the beach was closed. We felt humbled outta the beach.

Soul-Embracing delights: taking photos


Soul Embracing Delights: Sportsmanship

Either playing sports or watching can bring joy based on your comfort level. (I prefer playing I’m #24 lol) WHOOOO. Take a guess was this soccer or rugby? (Hint: you throw the ball backwards)

9. Working Out

Nothing more like getting a free dose of dopamine after a a rock hard workout.

Soul-embracing delights: Getting a workout pump

(I did a 20 min post workout pump photoshoot in the gym fitting room LOL)

10. Public Speaking

Soul-embracing delights: getting out your comfort zone and public speaking

Public speaking is something that is so easily feared but yet so rewarding when faced with it. (I was ripping barrsss lol jk) I think this was when I made a whole crowd of people laugh 😂

(lol this was on March 16 2019 @ 9:48pm)

11. Music

Soul-embracing delights: listening to music

Sometimes all we need is a nice tune to listen too!

12. Carrying a map

Bringing a map, brings the adventure. It’s like being your own Dora the explorer. Where’s your next adventure at?

soul-embracing delights: planning the next adventure and carrying a map
(Yes I am on the floor, there is no room on my desk for this LARGE map)

13. Flights

soul-embracing delights: a flight of a bird
soul-embracing delights: being the bird

Bird watching or getting your pilot’s license & be in the perspective of a bird? LOL whatever it is taking flight or catching flights is so very cool. I like to sit under a tree & study the flight of birds. After all nothing will beat the flight of nature.

14. Clouds

When I say clouds, I don’t mean those angry nimbostratus clouds LOL. I mean Cumulus clouds or Cirrus clouds the wispy ones.

soul-embracing delights: cloud gazing

(it looks like a mermaid soaring LOL)

15. Dawn and Twilight

Nature is filled with beauty, especially those sunsets and sunrises.

soul-embracing delights: watching the sunset

Orange sunset

soul-embracing delights: watching the sunrise

Blue sunrise

There we have it all the heartfelt joys from 15 little gestures. Hope you enjoyed this read 🙂